Worried About Hell?  10-7-24

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I enjoy welding. It is amazing how someone can take a cutting torch, a welder, and an old piece of metal and make it into something useful. I have learned however that I need to be careful working with the metal because it gets very hot.

I know all too well, the discomfort and suffering that hot molten metal can produce. I once had a piece fall through a hole in my pant leg. Next it entered my boot and burnt through my sock to cause a painful wound on the top of my foot. As funny as it may have been to watch me quickly kick my boot off, I realize that the pain of extreme heat and fire is no laughing matter.

What happened to me was just a minor inconvenience,. My experience is nothing compared to an eternity in the lake of fire. “And if anyone's name was not found written in the book of life, he was thrown into the lake of fire.” (Revelation 20:15) As careful as I want to be when using the welder and cutting torch, I want to be even more careful not to end up in the lake of fire because I did not listen to God.

John 3:16 tells us, “For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.” I want to have eternal life with Jesus rather than an eternity in the lake of fire. When I was younger, I used to wonder about what would happen if my name were not written in the book of life. What if I did end up in the lake of fire?

Before I was 10 years old, I decided to read the Bible every day. As I read it, I found out how wonderful God really is. I realized he was all powerful and had created everything. I also realized how much he loves us. The more I learned about the love of Jesus, the more I wanted to serve him.

Eventually, I concluded that even if he sent me to hell, I would still want to be faithful to him. That is how wonderful God is. Soon I was more focused on Jesus than I was on my fear of hell. At that point I realized that my love for God was an even stronger motivator than my fear of hell.

It is rational for man to fear hell. The eternal punishment for rejecting Christ is not something to be taken lightly. But if our only motivation for our actions is to avoid discomfort for ourselves then we are actually acting in selfishness. If our motivation for our actions is the benefit of someone else, then we are acting in love. The first and greatest command is to love the Lord our God with all our heart, soul, and mind.

That love is evidence that we really have believed on Jesus Christ who is God in the flesh. No wonder Jesus said, "All that the Father gives Me shall come to Me, and the one who comes to Me I will certainly not cast out.” (John 6:37) Knowing that Jesus promised that he would not cast me out, assures me that I do not have to worry about the hell of the lake of fire. My assurance of not having to go to the lake of fire, is not because I always do all the right things, but because I love and serve the perfect master. Because I love and serve him, I do want to do his will. Because he loves me, he made a way for me to be forgiven.

Amazing Love For a Wife 9-30-24

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There are a lot of gaps in my family tree. I was however, reading about a couple of my ancestors. “For it was Adam who was first created, and then Eve. And it was not Adam who was deceived, but the woman being quite deceived, fell into transgression.” (I Timothy 2:13-14)

You may have noticed that they are your ancestors as well. The first two humans both fell into sin, but Adam did it willingly, while Eve was tricked. I do not want to defend my earliest great great...grandmother, but I often found myself thinking that what Adam did was worse, because he had not been deceived.

Recently I was at a Bible study with another pastor, and as we were discussing the relationship between husbands and wives, he pointed out how much Adam must have loved Eve. He then mentioned that by also falling into sin, Adam was able to stay united with his wife. He was not encouraging husbands to sin in order to be close to their wives, but was rather pointing out how far the two would have been apart if Adam had not sinned while Eve had.

We had already been talking about how Ephesians 5 tells us that the husband and wife relationship is supposed to be a wonderful picture of Christ and the church as the husband loves the wife and the wife submits to the husband. Jesus came to earth with authority, but he did not flaunt that authority. Instead he gave himself in an unselfish way. If husbands live like Christ did and unselfishly love their wives, then submission should not be difficult because then the wives will not be taken advantage of. As the wife also sets her selfishness aside and they submit to each other (Ephesians 5:21) we get a beautiful illustration of how we should relate to Jesus Christ. “This mystery is great; but I am speaking with reference to Christ and the church.” (Ephesians 5:32)

Since marriage is to be a picture of Christ and the church, we can find another beautiful lesson about Jesus in the events of the lives of Adam and Eve. Romans 5:14 tells us that Adam was a figure of Christ. That means Adam was a model to help us better understand Jesus. For years I thought of him more as an opposite since Adam pulled humanity into sin and Jesus delivered us from sin.

Once I thought of Adam as the loving husband to illustrate Christ and the Church, I was more clearly able to see how he could be a model of Jesus. Jesus loved us so much that he gave himself for our sins. II Corinthians 5:21 talks about Christ when it says, “He made Him who knew no sin to be sin on our behalf, that we might become the righteousness of God in Him.” Before he ate of the forbidden fruit, Adam also knew no sin, but by partaking of sin, he was able to maintain fellowship with his wife. In a similar way, Jesus took the penalty for our sin upon him so that we could have fellowship with Him.

I do not ever want to excuse the sins of my wife, but I do want to remember to love her the way that Jesus loved. His love covered my sins. With that in mind, I want to be very gracious toward my wife as I remember 1 Peter 4:8. “Above all, keep fervent in your love for one another, because love covers a multitude of sins.”

Adam and Eve plunged the world into sin, but Jesus came with love to forgive our sins. In order to receive that forgiveness we have to trust in him. “For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.” (John 3:16)

The Folly of Formula 9-16-24

Hands holding wall clock still life

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Farmers debate about when to plant a crop each year. If they plant too early, it could be too cold and hurt the yield. If they wait too long, it could start raining so much that they would not be able to even drive their tractor through the field. There is statistical data that shows on average what planting dates produce the highest yields. The problem is that a farmer may intend to plant during those times, but is unable to because of rain. Of coarse if he tried to plant into a muddy field his yield would be much lower on that date.

Best planting dates should be regarded as a general rule, not as an absolute rule without exception. The Proverbs in the Bible provide us with wisdom for living life. They are general principles of life that guide us. If we follow the wisdom of God, our lives will be much better than if we follow folly.

That however does not mean that there are not exceptions to the rule. For example, a wise man may have trials while a foolish man seems to have success. Therefore we should not look at the Word of God as a formula for avoiding problems in life, but rather as an authority to show us how God has told us to live. We should obey God regardless of the results because we recognize his authority, not because we want our lives to be easier. Still, our lives will be easier in the long run if we do obey God.

In Ecclesiastes, Solomon makes observations about the behaviors of men. In vs 2 of ch 9 he notices that the same events happen to the righteous and the wicked. It does not seem fair to him, but he grasps that things do not always turn out like we would expect them to.

Then he comes to verse 11 where he says, “I again saw under the sun that the race is not to the swift, and the battle is not to the warriors, and neither is bread to the wise, nor wealth to the discerning, nor favor to men of ability; for time and chance overtake them all.”

You expect the fast person to win the race, but he could lose if he trips. You expect the soldier to win the battle, but soldiers have been killed in battle by civilians. You expect men with ability to be respected and you expect those with good judgment to be more likely to accumulate wealth. The problem is that situations happen that make for exceptions to the general rule. He says, “time and chance overtake them.”

Think of chance as statistics. The fast person may have a 99% chance of winning the race, but he could trip and lose. The verse also puts bread to the wise in that same category. We should expect that the wise will be more likely to have food, but that doesn't mean that a wise man will never face hunger.

By the time we come to verse 16, we find that wisdom is better than strength. Therefore we know that wisdom is good and valuable. As valuable as wisdom is, we should not think that having wisdom will simply solve all our problems.

Although looking to Jesus and the Bible will make our lives easier, we should not think of them as a formula for avoiding trials. Rather we should view obedience to God as the right thing to do because he said so. We should then realize that more times than not, our lives will be better because we did things his way.

Trust the Creator 9-2-24

Cenex Harvest States just built a new grain facility outside of Worthing. It was fun watching the structure rise up from the ground as they poured concrete around the clock to make a massive tower. As we watched it grow, I could not help but think how a Medieval king would have loved to have had such a structure for his castle.

I then began to imagine what would happen if all our history and technology were lost and thousands of years from now, people were trying to figure out how this structure had been built and what it had been used for.

We have history to tell us what the Colosseum in Rome was used for, but other structures like Stonehenge and the pyramids remain shrouded in mystery. Still, no one assumes that these structures just appeared without some sort of planning.

Plants, animals, and humans are far more complex than a pyramid or a grain elevator. Knowing that, it is hard to take anyone seriously who would suggest that they came about without any intelligent design. Any honest person realizes that life needed a designer. The problem is that people do not want to be accountable to that designer.

Romans 1:18-20 puts the problem of man's rejection of God into a blunt perspective:

For the wrath of God is revealed from heaven against all ungodliness and unrighteousness of men, who suppress the truth in unrighteousness, because that which is known about God is evident within them; for God made it evident to them. For since the creation of the world His invisible attributes, His eternal power and divine nature, have been clearly seen, being understood through what has been made, so that they are without excuse.

With all the evidence God has given us, there is no excuse to reject him. Not only has he given us the evidence of creation, he has also given us a conscience.

In that they show the work of the Law written in their hearts, their conscience bearing witness, and their thoughts alternately accusing or else defending them, on the day when, according to my gospel, God will judge the secrets of men through Christ Jesus. (Romans 2:15-16 NASB)

If you are honest, you can see the evidence of God's existence simply by looking at his creation. God's existence is one thing, but his authority is another. He did not just make you, he also gave you a conscience. Even if you have not figured out all of God's expectations upon your life, you still know that there is a difference between right and wrong. That niggling within you that tells you something is wrong, is also telling you that someone other than you has the right to decide what is right and what is wrong. That someone is the creator of the universe.

The good news is that although the creator will hold you accountable for your sins, he loved you so much that he came to earth and died for your sins. Jesus Christ is the creator who not only died on the cross, but who also rose from the dead to pay for your sins. That is good news, but that good news is only personal for you if you believe in Jesus as your Lord and authority. If you just believe he exists, but are not willing to submit to him, you will be rejecting not just his authority but his payment on the cross for your sins.

The good news of his love and payment is the gospel. Romans 1:16 says, “For I am not ashamed of the gospel, for it is the power of God for salvation to everyone who believes, to the Jew first and also to the Greek.” No matter who you are, the good news is available to you and that good news has the power to save you from the wrath of God. If you trust him, instead of facing his wrath, you will get his love and eternal life with him. "For God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish, but have eternal life.” (John 3:16 NASB)

Are You Like the Devil?  8-19-24

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Many people are not aware that I spent some time in jail. Now that I have your attention, let me clarify that I was not a resident there, but I would regularly go into the jail to minister to the people who did live there.

One of the guys wanted to talk to me privately and he said that he had something to tell me that I would not believe. He then proceeded to tell me that he used to be a devil worshiper. I told him I was not surprised since I knew that the the devil was real. I then said that Christ loved him, but that even when he was serving the devil, the devil hated him. Tears rolled down his face as he said that he knew the devil hated him even when he was worshiping him.

I haven't met very many devil worshipers in my life, but I have met many people who actually adopt the same religious views as the devil. I am not talking about sitting around a pentagram, partaking in human sacrifice, or wearing a goat's head.

Instead of focusing on the images of horror movies, let us instead look at a Bible passage that describes the satanic approach to God. Isaiah 14:12-14 warns,

“How art thou fallen from heaven, O Lucifer, son of the morning! how art thou cut down to the ground, which didst weaken the nations! 13 For thou hast said in thine heart, I will ascend into heaven, I will exalt my throne above the stars of God: I will sit also upon the mount of the congregation, in the sides of the north: 14 I will ascend above the heights of the clouds; I will be like the most High. 15 Yet thou shalt be brought down to hell, to the sides of the pit.”

Notice Lucifer's religious approach. He was not going to submit to God. He was going to act like he was God. But he fell from heaven and would be brought to hell.

Most of the people in this world are going through life just like Lucifer. They have decided that they are the ones who are making the rules. They know they have sinned, but are upset that anyone would judge them for their sin. They do not want anyone- especially God- telling them what to do. They want to be the king of their lives and to sit on their own personal throne, without having to submit to God.

Like Lucifer, they will suffer the consequences of such arrogance. Notice how Isaiah 14:15 warns that he will “be brought down to hell, to the sides of the pit.” Jesus warned in Matthew 25:41, “Then shall he say also unto them on the left hand, Depart from me, ye cursed, into everlasting fire, prepared for the devil and his angels:”

If you do not acknowledge that Jesus is the creator- that he is God- and that we must submit to God as we believe on him, then you will have the same fate as the devil. You do not have to worship the devil to go to the lake of fire. You simply have to take the same path as the devil in resisting God.

Thankfully God loves you and we are told by Jesus, “For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.” (John 3:16)

If you have been resisting Jesus, chose a different path than Lucifer did. Submit to God and embrace the promise that Jesus gave us. "All that the Father gives Me shall come to Me, and the one who comes to Me I will certainly not cast out.” (John 6:37) 


Enjoy God's Gifts 8-5-24

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It can be hard to accept a gift. Years ago, a friend wanted to give me a gift of money. Since I didn't feel like I “needed” it I refused it.

Another friend witnessed what happened and told me that by accepting the gift, I would have made the giver happy, but by refusing the gift I was making them sad. He explained that if I really did not need the money, I could have graciously accepted the gift and then quietly given it to someone else. He helped me to understand the importance of both giving and accepting gifts. It is a lesson I still struggle to remember. Eventually, I began to understand how both giving and receiving can be a way to show love toward others.

Years later, I better understand the concept he was trying to teach me as I realize that the best gift giver of all is Jesus Christ. Not only did he give his life, as the creator, he also gives us all that we need to live. God cares about us and has given so many wonderful gifts. Ecclesiastes 2:25 asks, “For who can eat and who can have enjoyment without Him?”

The book of Ecclesiastes makes it clear that God wants us to have enjoyment in life- that he wants to give us good things. Of course he wants us to avoid sin as well. He wants what is best for us. He also wants us to accept the gifts he has given and to enjoy them. “And also that every man should eat and drink, and enjoy the good of all his labor, it is the gift of God.” (Ecclesiastes 3:13)

A quick reading of the Old Testament might convince us that God was more concerned with getting sacrifices from man than he was in giving gifts to man. A more in depth study, however, shows that God wanted people to enjoy the gifts he had given them, even when he was expecting sacrifices. For example in Deuteronomy 14:22-23, the Hebrew people were expected to bring a yearly tithe to give to the Lord, but then God wanted them to use that tithe to have a feast so they could enjoy what he had given them. In fact in vs 24-26 he makes it clear that if the place where they go to worship is too far, then they should sell their tithe and bring money. Look what God wants them to do with the money: "And you may spend the money for whatever your heart desires, for oxen, or sheep, or wine, or strong drink, or whatever your heart desires; and there you shall eat in the presence of the LORD your God and rejoice, you and your household. (Deuteronomy 14:26).

The people were being taught that they needed to come to God and then to accept his gift. He was training people to be ready to come to him and to accept the greatest gift he would ever give them. "For God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish, but have eternal life.” (John 3:16)

Trusting Jesus for salvation is about being willing to accept a gift from God. “For by grace you have been saved through faith; and that not of yourselves, it is the gift of God; not as a result of works, that no one should boast.”

God loves you and wants you to enjoy life. Sin may seem enjoyable for a time, but it leads to misery and death. If we follow God's plan for our lives, we will find much more enjoyment as we find fulfillment in his best gifts. Trust him and receive the best gifts of all- a right relationship with our loving God and eternal life.

Bitter's Bright Side 7-21-24

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All the extra rain has been quite challenging for the farmers. We have a small little hobby farm where we grow sweet corn and a little bit of field corn for our pigs, geese, ducks, and chickens. We also grow some green beans that we share with friends and family.

This year however has made crop growing quite difficult. Parts of the field have been planted 3 times because they kept getting drowned out.

Coming from a farm background I have enjoyed “playing” out in my field. Since it is such a small plot, our livelihood is not entirely dependent on what we produce. I was recently talking to my cousin who farms on a much larger scale and also enjoys what he is doing. I told him that I have so much fun going out and planting my little field. Then I said that this was one of the best years ever because I got to plant it three times.

As we face the trials of life, we can focus on the negative or we can focus on the positive. It is not always so easy to focus on the positive though. In the book of Ruth, a woman named Naomi ends up having to move away from home with husband and her two sons because of a famine. While in a foreign land her husband dies and so do both of her sons. Her trials were much more serious than mine.

Naomi is so discouraged that she changes her name from Naomi which means, “pleasant,” to Mara, which means, “bitter.” I do not want to excuse her bitterness- especially when the scripture warns: “Let all bitterness and wrath and anger and clamor and slander be put away from you, along with all malice.” (Ephesians 4:31) Hebrews gives even more guidance. “See to it that no one comes short of the grace of God; that no root of bitterness springing up causes trouble, and by it many be defiled;” (Hebrews 12:15)

Hebrews reminds us of the grace of God as the roots of bitterness cause trouble. Still we understand why Naomi would feel like she did. In the midst of Naomi's bitterness God had graciously given her a special friend. Her daughter-in-law Ruth stayed by her side. Ruth's name literally meant, “friend.”

This part of the book of Ruth is a reminder that when people are going through rough times, they often just need a friend. In the midst of her grief, Naomi had said to Ruth, “May the LORD deal kindly with you as you have dealt with the dead and with me.” (from Ruth 1:8) Ruth had also lost her husband, but was being kind to Naomi. In the midst of the grief and kindness, Ruth had also spoken these important words: "Do not urge me to leave you or turn back from following you; for where you go, I will go, and where you lodge, I will lodge. Your people shall be my people, and your God, my God.” (Ruth 1:16)

Ruth did something very important as she was being a friend to Naomi. She was there for her. She let her know she would not leave her, but she also made it clear that they were serving the same God. They both served the true God of the Bible- the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. They served the creator God who would send his only begotten son, Jesus Christ, because of his love for this world.

In the midst of bitterness and grief, Naomi had a friend who spoke to her about the true God. Often people have immediate needs in the midst of their trials but other times they just need a friend who promises to be there and who reminds them that the true God is also there. Be that kind of friend and do not forget that God has not left us alone. That will allow others have something to look on the bright side about even when they feel like being bitter.  

Contending For Faith

Caitlin Clark has been making history as she contends on the basketball court. Although she did not make the women's Olympic team this year, she continues to contend for a spot there 4 years from now. She contends for wins for her team and contends for rankings and records within women's basketball. She is definitely a competitive contender.

The Oxford Language Dictionary tells us that the word contend can mean to engage in a competition or campaign in order to win or achieve.” That definition definitely describes Clark. But there is another definition for “contend” found in that same dictionary: “to assert something as a position in an argument.

In the Bible we find this statement: “Beloved, while I was making every effort to write you about our common salvation, I felt the necessity to write to you appealing that you contend earnestly for the faith which was once for all delivered to the saints.” (Jude 1:3)

When we as Christians contend for the faith, we are not shooting baskets, but we are asserting our position. We are arguing for our faith. In the very next verse, Jude points out that ungodly people pervert God's grace and instead promote sensuality. In other words, they are using God's grace as an excuse to sin. He then points out that as they are doing this, they are denying that our Lord Jesus Christ is their master.

As Christians, our faith is based on Jesus Christ. We understand that he is God and that he is our authority. We recognize that Jesus is our master. This understanding is key whenever someone tries to convince us that we should just accept sin.

Imagine if someone were encouraging you to steal ice cream. They argue that the ice cream would taste so good. They also argue that although stealing is technically wrong, Jesus is very forgiving. Thus they are distorting his grace to encourage sin.

They might also argue that they took a vote and all their friends think that stealing ice cream is no big deal. Or perhaps they might argue that in some places sealing ice cream is socially acceptable. They might even argue that as long as the strongest or most influential people encourage the stealing of ice cream, then it is okay. They are thus arguing that there should be a different master for right and wrong other than God.

When we contend for the faith we are saying that Jesus is God and Jesus is the master. Therefore we look to him and the Bible for determining what is right or wrong. We are asserting our position and making our argument that God is the authority. We are contending for the faith.

We need more people with the courage to say that God is right and that God has the authority to tell us what to do. If we have really believed in Jesus Christ and we really view him as our master, why wouldn't we say that he has the right to tell us what to do? Of course those who reject Jesus will not care what he tells them. That is understandable, but when someone claims to be a Christian they should welcome God's authority in their life. Sadly too many Christians are not even willing to contend for what God says, let alone listen to it. I have to ask, “are they contenders or pretenders?”

If you have really believed in Jesus, then start to take him seriously. Argue for his position as you live it out in your life. Realize that stealing ice cream is wrong and be bold to say so.

Contending for the faith means that as a Christian you recognize that morality is based on God's authority. If you are a Christian, contend for the faith, and live like you are contending for it. 

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Prayer Should be Easy 6-24-24


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Have you ever wondered how to pray? Jesus gave us a simple prayer to give us a framework for how to pray and what to pray about. “Our Father which art in heaven, Hallowed be thy name. Thy kingdom come. Thy will be done in earth, as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread. And forgive us our debts, as we forgive our debtors. And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil: For thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory, for ever. Amen.” (Matthew 6:9-13)

Notice that the first thing we are taught is that God's will will happen. Prayer should be about obeying God, not about getting God to obey us. Still prayer should express our understanding that God provides for our needs as we ask for our daily food. Next, prayer should recognize our sinfulness and the importance of grace in forgiveness. That then leads to our desire to avoid sin which should also be expressed in our prayers. Finally, prayer declares that God is king and God is powerful. God is in charge as we pray- not us.

Jesus' lesson on prayer is pretty straight forward and gives us a framework, but it does not give us the exact words to pray. In fact, just before giving us the words to the Lord's prayer, Jesus said, “But when ye pray, use not vain repetitions, as the heathen do: for they think that they shall be heard for their much speaking. Be not ye therefore like unto them: for your Father knoweth what things ye have need of, before ye ask him. (Matthew 6:7-8).

We do not have to repeat the same words over and over as we pray (vain repetition). Further we do not have to say a lot of words. We can keep our words few and to the point because God already knows what are needs are. Comedian Ray Stevens had a silly song about haircuts and in that song he made a point about how wordy some prayers can become when he said,Barber walked in, started saying grace, "Oh Lord, for these haircuts we are about to receive, may we be truly thankful. Dominus possum pax probiscus, post mortem, et tu Brute, puella carborundum.”

Sadly too many people have been taught that they need to have long prayers with flashy words. Jesus did not teach that and Jesus is God. The rest of the Bible doesn't teach that either. In fact, Ecclesiastes 5:2 says, “Do not be hasty in word or impulsive in thought to bring up a matter in the presence of God. For God is in heaven and you are on the earth; therefore let your words be few.” You do not have to rush through your prayers, but you do not need many words either. Remember he already knows what you need.

I am comforted knowing I can pray to God- knowing he is all powerful and that he will do what he deems best. I am also comforted knowing that he already knows what I need and that I do not have to come up with a lot of words.

The scripture says to pray without ceasing, but we do not have to use many words. As we pray we should listen by thinking about the word of God more than we talk. “Guard your steps as you go to the house of God, and draw near to listen rather than to offer the sacrifice of fools; for they do not know they are doing evil.” (Ecclesiastes 5:1)

The longest prayer recorded in the Bible is found in Nehemiah 9 and it takes less than 7 minutes to read it out loud. Much of the prayer in Nehemiah 9 is a review of Bible history. Before you pray, make sure you have been listening to God through his holy Bible and then think of that while you pray. Then as you pray, be more concerned about avoiding sin in your life than you are about how long you pray or about what words you use. Just talk to God about his greatness, your sin, and your needs- then trust whatever his will is for your situation in life

Why Did You Doubt? 6-10-24

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A childhood friend of mine was recently killed in a grain bin accident. Grain bins can be quite dangerous. Many people have lost their lives as they were quickly engulfed by the grain. Such events are a reminder of how fragile life is.

The Apostle Peter had a similar close call. Instead of being engulfed in grain, he nearly drowned in a stormy sea. As I think of both my childhood friend and of Peter, I cannot imagine the terror that they must have faced. Regardless, I have had nightmares about such events.

Peter survived his ordeal and Matthew wrote about it. As the wind was blowing the disciples of Jesus were in a boat and Jesus walked on water to come to them. Once Jesus identified himself, Peter said, “Lord, if it is you, command me to come to you on the water.” Jesus said, “come,” so Peter did. Peter was actually able to walk on the water for a time, but then he saw the waves, got scared, and began to sink.

Peter must have felt completely helpless. He was already afraid while he was still walking on the water and now he finds himself sinking. He cried out, “Lord save me.” Thankfully for Peter, Jesus did save him.

If Peter ever wrote about his experience walking on the water and then sinking, those words never made it into the pages of the Bible. Peter did however write two letters that are part of the New Testament scriptures. In both of those letters he writes about Noah and the flood where people drowned. I cannot help but wonder if what happened to Peter on the sea that night caused him to think a lot more about drowning.

Regardless, Peter learned an important lesson that night that he wanted others to understand. In order to be saved we need Jesus. In his first letter Peter talks about how Noah and his family were brought safely through the water. In his second letter he talks about how God brought a flood upon the world of the ungodly.

Both Peter and Noah had found grace from God. Genesis 6:8-9 says, “But Noah found grace in the eyes of the LORD. These are the generations of Noah: Noah was a just man and perfect in his generations, and Noah walked with God.” Notice as well that both Noah and Peter walked with God. Peter literally walked on water with Jesus. Jesus is God.

Thankfully God has promised not to ever send another worldwide flood. That does not mean that drowning is not still a danger though. It also does not mean that sin will not still be judged. Romans 6:23a says, “For the wages of sin is death,”. Then the last part of that verse says, “but the free gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord.”

Before your life comes to an end, use the words of Peter and cry out, “Lord save me.” Jesus promised in John 6:37, "All that the Father gives Me shall come to Me, and the one who comes to Me I will certainly not cast out.” That means that if you believe on him as your Lord and savior, he will save you.

Being saved from sin and hell does not mean that you will never drown or have an accident. What it does mean is that if tragedy strikes you- like it did with my friend- then you will be with Jesus when your life ends.

Look at what happened as Peter cried out to Jesus as he was sinking, “And immediately Jesus stretched out His hand and took hold of him, and *said to him, "O you of little faith, why did you doubt?" (Matthew 14:31) As our lives come to an end, we might have some doubts about where we will go, but if we have trusted Christ, then once we breath our last breath, we will be able to look forward to hearing the same answer from the Lord that Peter heard. “Why did you doubt?” www.southtownchurch.com.


God Gets The Vengeance  5-27-24

Free Vector | Car crash concept illustration (freepik.com)

Not all road rage incidents make the news, but occasionally someone's behavior is so egregious that it actually becomes criminal. Regardless, such incidents go against God's command to love your neighbor as yourself even if they have not broken any other law.

I have heard reports of- and even watched videos of- people who were involved of car accidents and they exited their vehicles screaming and shouting and ready to start a fight.

Recently a friend was involved in a 3 car accident. She was in the vehicle that was damaged the worst. The man in the vehicle ahead of her immediately got out of his car and came to her car. He saw the damage to her car and told her not to move until the ambulance arrived. Instead of yelling at her, he was showing concern for her safety. Then the driver of the third vehicle came and prayed with her as they waited for the ambulance.

Hearing what happened after her accident was so very refreshing after the worst examples of humanity often make the headlines. The first and greatest command is to love God with all your heart, soul, and strength. The second greatest command is to love your neighbor as yourself.

The people involved in the accident with my friend were strangers before the accident, but they treated each other the way Christ would want them to.

Too often people feel wronged and want to take vengeance. There is a reason why accidents are called “accidents.” That does not change the fact that cars are damaged, people are hurt, and schedules are disrupted. Such events can cause frustration. We already have laws that require drivers to have insurance. Thus our laws already provide a way for a level of compensation. That means that any anger and lashing out at the accident scene is not a call for justice but rather a call for vengeance.

In the scriptures, God gives us clear instruction about avoiding vengeance. Romans 12:19 tells us, “Never take your own revenge, beloved, but leave room for the wrath of God, for it is written, "VENGEANCE IS MINE, I WILL REPAY," says the Lord.” This does not negate the need for criminal prosecution and Romans 13 shows us that human governments should hold people accountable for criminal behavior.

If we try to bring vengeance ourselves, we might make a mistake. Of course someone who intentionally causes a car collision with the intent of hurting others should be brought to justice. On the other hand, we have all accidentally caused hurt and damage to others. If our courts do not find the person guilty, God knows what true justice would be, therefore it is up to him to bring vengeance, not us. Deuteronomy 32:4 says, "The Rock! His work is perfect, For all His ways are just; A God of faithfulness and without injustice, Righteous and upright is He.”

Knowing God is faithful and without injustice helps us to understand the reality of sending people to hell. He will not send anyone there who does not deserve it. Jonah was sent to Nineveh and they repented and God did not destroy them even though they were evil. God does however bring vengeance upon evil when there is no repentance. All have sinned and come short of the glory of God. Therefore, we all deserve his vengeance. But God is a merciful judge and he sent his son, Jesus Christ, to pay for our sins so that we do not have to face the punishment. Therefore, to escape God's vengeance, we must place our faith in Jesus as we believe in him. John 3:16 tells us, "For God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish, but have eternal life.”

Once we see how merciful God is to us, we should be loving towards others- even when our initial reaction may be to seek vengeance.


God's Will Be Done 5-13-24

Free Photo | Drought (freepik.com) 

A few years ago, my mom passed away. Leading up to her death I was a bit conflicted. She had quit eating a few days before and my brother and I coaxed her into eating because we wanted her to get her strength back. She had however been resisting our coaxing.

We found out later that she had told one of her friends weeks earlier that she was ready to go. That comment was actually made before she even got sick. I have wondered if she had some sort of inclination about her demise. She had trusted Jesus Christ as her savior so she knew that when she left this world, he would be waiting for her. She was looking forward to that.

Thus as my brother and I were trying to get her to eat, she was just content to let the infection overtake her body so that she could go home to heaven. After receiving the medical report, we found out that the extra food would not have made any difference anyway. Mom was ready to die, she knew it, and she was okay with it. Mom was totally at peace as she left this world.

As others prayed for Mom, they prayed for her recovery. Mom's prayer was to be with Jesus. So whose prayer is God supposed to answer?

When Jesus taught us to pray, he told us to say, “thy will be done.” Whenever we pray, we must realize that God's will is what will ultimately be done, not our desires. We cannot expect to get our desires simply by drumming up more faith or by living more godly lives. On the other hand, we must recognize that by living more godly lives, we can know that God will listen to our prayers instead of ignoring them. 1 Peter 3:12 says "FOR THE EYES OF THE LORD ARE UPON THE RIGHTEOUS, AND HIS EARS ATTEND TO THEIR PRAYER, BUT THE FACE OF THE LORD IS AGAINST THOSE WHO DO EVIL."

Do what is right so that God listens to your prayers. Jesus gave the illustration of a widow and a judge and explained that the judge finally granted the request because the widow kept asking. He was explaining prayer. Thus we should live righteously and pray consistently. But the judge/widow passage in Luke 18 was an illustration about praying for God to bring about justice. God is righteously just in all he does, so we should always want his will to be done, even if we do not understand his justice. In hind site, it was more just for God to allow my elderly and sick mother to be with him. Often we do not totally understand God's justice and we must then him trust by faith.

In the book of James we are given the example of Elijah's prayer being answered. “Elijah was a man with a nature like ours, and he prayed earnestly that it might not rain; and it did not rain on the earth for three years and six months. And he prayed again, and the sky poured rain, and the earth produced its fruit.” (James 5:17-18)

So how was Elijah able to get such amazing results in prayer? It was because he already knew the will of God in that situation because God had told him. “Then it came about at the time of the offering of the evening sacrifice, that Elijah the prophet came near and said, "O LORD, the God of Abraham, Isaac and Israel, today let it be known that Thou art God in Israel, and that I am Thy servant, and that I have done all these things at Thy word.” (I Kings 18:36)

The reason those amazing things happened as Elijah prayed was because he was doing what he did according to God's word. In other words, God had told Elijah what his will was so Elijah knew how to pray. If we knew God wanted a mountain moved we could pray and see it moved, but we must not think our prayers are more powerful than his word. We must know his word, do right, and trust his will to be done. www.southtownchurch.com

John Deere to 1st John 4-29-24

Daddy let me drive a John Deere

before my feet could reach the clutch

The two cylinders a poppin

I'd give the throttle just a touch

A fat lip on the steering wheel

cause I stopped a bit too fast

Hoping Mom wouldn't make me quit

I wanted it all to last

I figured I'd be farming

Until I became just dust

Then I realized it wasn't John Deere

But Jesus I must trust

From my first John Deere to 1st John

has been an awesome ride

I'm not going down the road I'd planned

but I got Jesus' Spirit by my side

Now I plant the seeds of God's word

praying they might grow

Helping others water them

so that many just might know

The love of God from John 3

is better than a Deere

But love it ain't the only thing

cause God we need to fear

Sin grows like the weeds of life

and it breaks a father's heart

Jesus paid the whole price

works are not a part

Still I must strive to love him

as I look to do what's right

Loving others and falling short

and trusting in his might

I know that I'm not perfect

but 1st John makes it clear

If we confess he forgives

and that is why I fear

He shows such love and graciousness

why should I neglect?

To return my love and faithfulness

and let him do the rest.

The Fine Glass Bowl  4-8-24